Shipwrecked (Or Shipwrecked 64 as the internet has dubbed it) was an old game originating from the late 90’s, commissioned by the (at-the-time) beloved Broadside Animation Studio, developed by a relatively unknown game studio, Cogware Games. The game had a very mysterious nature surrounding its launch, as it was only available from August 13th 1997, to August 17th, 1997, receiving little promotion from Cogware, and none from Broadside. This downloadable version of the game is the closest one can get to playing the original copy of the game. We at the SWRC (Shipwrecked Recovery Crew) were lucky enough to get our hands on an original cartridge, dump it, and convert a lot of the code to new software. With help from two of the original developers, we were able to make this game accessible to everyone.
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