This is an action-comedy game where you work part-time as a cashier at a convenience store while dealing with troublesome "annoying customers." While scanning items with the cash register scanner, handle annoying customers. If you leave these troublesome customers unattended, you will receive penalty points, so it is recommended to deal with them as soon as possible.StoryThe protagonist, "Ippatsu," is a young man who recently moved to "Ichigeki City." On his first day of his part-time job at a convenience store, the store manager leaves for an important (fake) errand. The convenience store is then flooded with annoying customers who enter the refrigerator or scribble on the walls...! Can Ippatsu, left alone to run the store on his first day, fend off the annoying customers and successfully complete his part-time job? Ippatsu's lonely battle begins now.
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